Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wine or Whine?

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven....
This is a verse from the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible, not just a verse in a Beatles ( or Byrds) song- as great as it was.----side bar- I'm tired,(oops! I mean, I have tiredness within me) and just want to write. I do not want to research any of this, so forgive me if I offend any music fans!

The book of Ecclesiastes was almost left out of the bible because (if I remember correctly) it was either too depressing, or too hedonistic. Hmmmm. Sounds pretty much the way I may flow from one week to the next, one day to the next, and sometimes one hour to the next. Which is why I love this book! The author says bsically- hey, we are all dead sooner or later, and none of this life means anythng when your worm food, so just eat, drink, and be merry! To which I say, (if I'm in a good mood), "Yay! Let's celebrate the abundance and the wine and song!", (and if I'm in a bad mood), "Yeah, I'll drink to that. What's it all about anyway? Who cares?"
And you know what? That's okay! We don't have to be happy all the time! Nor do we have to censor our exuberance for life! Happiness, sadness, life, death, is all transient. That's the lesson. It's important to live authentically and accept the ebbs and flows. I read in a book that I'm too tired to look for right now, that it's important to acknowledge your existing feelings and place in your life, not by saying "I am sad (or happy, or angry, or tired..)" but to say, "Sadness dwells within me at this moment." And then sit with that knowing that "this too shall pass." Because if you can do that, then when the inevitable change in that state comes upon you, you can sit in THAT space, in peace, knowing that "this too shall pass."
Today, I was anxious. I'm going through a lot of changes. Not the least of which is THE CHANGE, so my hormones take over me sometimes. But in addition, I've made another change in my work which makes me feel vulnerable and unsure, I'm in a relationship which is requiring me to look not only at the man I'm dating with an ever more realistic viewpoint, but myself and all the stuff I bring to that viewpoint. Anxiety dwells within me about every 3 hours. However, when I remember to tell myself, this too shall pass, or it's only where I am at this moment, it's not my life sentence, then things begin to slowly settle into peacefulness. Today, I went from feeling like I want to drown in wine to wanting a friend to celebrate with a glass of the same. I started off feeling like I need a steady job, but ended up feeling ecstatic that the job I have utilzes my creativity and allows me to bring joy to others. What more could I want? Well, more of THAT, I suppose.

Therefore, I am going to begin to manifest more of THAT, by being grateful for it's presence in my life, right now. I'm also going to write, right here, right now, what my intention is with regard to finding peace, joy, and abundance:

Thank You Spirit for giving me the eyes to see opportunities to bring joy and creativity into my life. Thank you for the gifts you have already given me that will enable me to take those opportunities and manifest more joy and gratitude for others. Thank you for all that keeps my family secure and healthy and joyful, and fed. Please help me to see the times when I bring negativity into my life by refusing to accept what is. Help me to hear your voice, and dwell in the life you will for me, with me, so that I may be a blessing to others.
If it is your will, I know it will be for the good of all, so help me to be strong, and wise, humble and competant. Help me to live without judgement and accept the seasons of my life.

It's my version of the serenity prayer.
I hope you pray it for me as well. We should all pray this for eachother, for if each one of us, as individuals, were able to dwell within this state of peace and acceptance and surrender, Oh what a wonderful World....

Here's to you, my friends. I'm going to pour me a glass of wine and wait for the opportunities, and revel in this season. Can't wait to see what blooms!

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