Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If You Want To Capture Someone's Attention...whisper

Remember that perfume commercial from the 70's or 80's touting the allure of a subtle whisper of fragrance to draw the male species in for a closer whiff? - "If you want to capture someone's attention- whisper." I don't remember the perfume, but I do remember the catch phrase. I mean, really, who wouldn't stop dead in their tracks at the breathy whisper of the word "whisper." Sooo seductive, and alluring.
I even had some teachers who used the technique. After trying to reign in a class full of hormonally driven and riled up tweens and teens, I have seen teachers stop the chaos and insanity by calmly going to the blackboard and beginning the lecture with a barely audible tone of voice. There is something weird and mysterious in an adult who calmly goes about the business at hand while there is chaos and mayhem at hand in the eyes of a teen. Kind of makes you wonder what lurks beneath...
This, I think, is akin to the way God works. (I must take a side bar here to point out that I do NOT feel comfortable putting a name like "God" on the awesome Spirit of the Divine. I will interchangeably call Spirit, "Spirit", "God", "Creator", "Divine", "Love", "Light", "One" etc, because how do you actually put a finite name on an energy that is the alpha and the omega, always was and always will be, forever changing, entirely of us and within us and always in a state of creating? It's too awesome and I think naming is so limiting, but how else do we talk or write about the Divine?)
God or Spirit works in the midst of chaos, despite chaos, underneath what we think we are seeing or hearing in the physical world. God is always present, always ready to be seen, heard, and experienced- key word is EXPERIENCED but we have to become aware; become open and still enough to hear the whispers. We can read all we want about God, we can pray all we want for answers, but until we learn to experience Spirit in a very personal sense, daily, the reality of our intimate connection will be lost.
So here's the FUN PART- the whispers are EVERYWHERE! When you begin to become aware of, and experience the whispers, at first you will feel a sense of the Twilight Zone. I have experienced outright fear, wtf?, spontaneous and crazy-esque laughter, crying, unworthiness, awesomeness, oneness, peace, and "well, of course-ness." Here's the IMPORTANT PART-when you become aware and begin to experience with regularity Spirit's availabilty and intimacy in your life, you should begin to realize (REAL EYES) that Spirit is not just available to you. You should begin to see that there is not one religion, not one name, not one enlightened being, not one people for whom Spirit exists and therefore, in your intimate connection with God, you will know God in everyone and everything that exists. You will begin to see more compassionately towards yourself and others. You will see that beyond the physical lies only Spirit.THIS IS GOD. THIS IS LOVE. THIS IS IT. And you will see that you have the power to create the life you want by working intentionally with Spirit.
Now, here's the part where I really might sound nutty to many out there who are just getting started towards intentional living. Look for Spirit. Ask Spirit to talk to you. Ask for Signs. Have the intention that you will. You can't do this from the skeptics point of view. Expect an answer.
Here is a list of ways I have experienced Spirit:
Animals- many animals carry messages.
Music-ever hear a song just when you need to?
Dreams- ask to be given answers in your dreams.
"Little Voices"- aka- intuition. Don't discount.
Someone you were thinking of shows up or calls "out of the blue."
Fortune Cookies- don't laugh.
Colors- colors have energy that relate to certain chakras and forces of energy.
Books- Pick up your favorite book or a book you haven't read in a while, like the Bible. Ask God to open the page to what you need to read, or see.
Tarot cards- lots of messages and positive guidance
Astrology- its more than the newspaper horoscope!
( -I need to take another side bar- people who are clairvoyant and are
able to connect to Spirit for purposes of Love and Light, will NOT
get you hooked on them. They will be there for you as guides and
will help you to fine tune your own intuition. They will also remind
you that everything is fluid and subject to change based on free
Meditation-ask God to quiet your mind and open your heart.
Visualization- ditto.
Visualization Boards- put images and words on a large board of things you would like to manifest. Approach from desire to share abundance with love.
Dance- if you can't quiet your mind, put on music and dance without care .
Try to focus on either the words or a beat and let your body move orgainically.
Feng Shui- the art of arranging objects and colors in your home to increase positive energy flow.

I can't promise you will hear the whispers overnight. I can't promise you will ever hear the whispers if you don't believe you will first. I can promise that if you have the INTENTION to have an intimate relationship and experience with Spirit, that these are some ways to get there. I will be a bit more explicit next time. For now, remember, God is trying to capture your attention. Spirit wants to draw you closer as much as you desire to become closer. Hey, maybe I'm a whisper too.

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