Thursday, April 22, 2010

I See You: Avatar and Mason Jars

Avatar was released today, "Earth Day." I absolutely love this movie and all the various layers and symbolism could be mined for days as far as I'm concerned. When I took my boys to see it, I was so elated that afterward they both said, "Hey Mom, that movie was about all that spiritual stuff you always talk about!" Oh YAY! They DO listen, they REALLY REALLY DO! I love the concept of how we are all connected, and on Earth Day, this is such an important lesson to celebrate...

One of the most beautiful lines and lessons from the movie, I believe, is the quote "I see you..."
I love how many layers there are to this and how many applications there are for us to use this in all sorts of relationships and situations. We often look at the outside, or apparent physical attributes of a person or situation, and from our perspective, make judgements and assign labels. However, because we are seeing only with the lens of our own deires, we may not see the truth. I think the truth lies in looking past what we want a person to be or a situation to be, and accepting that the reality is often more complex and beautiful, especially when we have finally witnessed and become aware of what we may believe is a "dark side."
I think most people are inherently good and want to do right by others. I think most situations work out for the good. But sometimes we want so badly for people and situations to fit our agenda, that we don't see good in the face of challenges.
I was laughing about this one morning with a special friend of mine. We were talking about our own dark sides and how we tried to mitigate through them in relationships. I was suddenly struck by how when we love something we try to make it ours and love it in the way we think it should be loved- which is probably the way WE want to be loved, but may NOT be the way in which our beloved is comfortable.
I likened it to the childhood practice of finding a little critter and putting it into a mason jar. We all have done this. Find a little critter, catch it, decide we want to keep it as a "pet" and love it and take care of it. We find a jar or box, add a twig, a leaf, and a handful of grass, maybe a rock, and put a lid on it (so it won't escape), but because we want to keep it alive, we poke little air holes on top. Maybe we catch other smaller bugs to feed it, but regardless, we give it what WE think it needs to be happy and cared for in our little jar. Funny thing though...what is good for a little caterpillar is not good for a doodlebug, or a firefly, or a large worm, or butterfly, or carpenter ant, or gecko, or grasshopper! So hopefully one day, before its too late, we realize that the little object of our affection is not thriving in the midst of our love. It needs more than a mason jar with holes in the lid and sticks and grass. Hopefully we let the little critter out and it finds its way back to its natural habitat. Of course it would be cool at 8years old to be able to ask a doodlebug what it likes to eat and if it will stay with you and be your pet. But we can't do that. We can do that with our personal relationships though. We can ask what our beloved desires and if they are honest, and we are honest, we may be able to accomodate. But how often do we ask? How often do we listen? I always tell my kids, "Be your own person, follow your heart, you can be whoever you want to be in this world-even if I don't like it. Its YOUR journey." I would have liked to have heard that when I was a kid. I also would have liked to have let the lids off the jars of many relationships I was in much sooner than I was willing. I wish I had been able to truly see, and love others for who they were, rather than who I wanted them to be, and let them go without drama. I wish some had done the same for me. I know its hard sometimes, to love something or someone, and let it go. But when you truly see a person, or situation for who and what it truly is, and for what it truly needs, its so much easier. Its also easier to see the person or situation that is truly right for you.
In Avatar, there is another line, "I choose you.." Who doesn't want to hear those words? The key is, to make sure they truly see you, and you them. For if they choose you, and aren't seeing you, you might end up in a mason jar with tiny holes. Remember who you are. Always. Accept others for who they truly are. Doodlebugs, butterflies, fireflies, worms, other people, yourself, circumstances. See all for who or what it is, and in that, you will truly love and find connection, freedom, and peace.

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